Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Today is the day I officially start my blog...not because I have so much time on my hands and I can't think of anything else better to do, not because I have such profound thoughts and I don't think you will make it another day without me sharing them...I was threatened. Yes, that's right. A very soft spoken, sweet & loving friend of mine (we'll call her Amy) called today and threatened me that I had better start writing and tomorrow was not acceptable, but now! So here I am...fearfully writing my first post.

I guess I will explain the whole "While I'm Waiting" thing. The title came from an answered prayer just a few weeks ago. It was during my early morning quiet time (those are few and far between lately so don't put me up on a pedestal quite yet!) and I was really asking God to speak to me about what my family's future holds. Scott, a fairly new Christian, and I just seem to be in this holding pattern of sorts and I was really needing the Holy Spirit to intervene! It wasn't that we weren't getting along or even in the middle of a huge fight, just in two completely different places...distant I guess would be a good word. The longings of my heart are not what he wants and vice versa; trying to communicate that is hard, and frustrating, and tiresome!

So anyway, I'm just praying and asking the Lord to speak, to work on our hearts to change to be more like His.  As I'm praying I start to hear a verse of a song over and over in my head, "While I'm Waiting." I knew it was the Lord. I played the song over and over that day and really soaked in the words..."I will move ahead bold and confident. Taking every step in obedience. While I'm waiting. I will serve you while I'm waiting, I will worship while I'm waiting." I felt like the Lord was really showing me that I needed to take a step back from "my timing" and let him be God! Quit trying to push things along my own timeline and focus on what I was created to do. Serve Him, worship Him, obey and honor Him.

He very lovingly answered his daughter's prayer that morning. He said, "Just wait. My timing is perfect and I have a plan for you and your family that is beyond anything you can imagine."

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.    Ephesians 3:20


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