Friday, July 1, 2011

Organizing My Homeschool Day

It's summer. That means no school, swimming, BBQ's, sleeping in (I wish) and for me... lesson plans. Lots and lots of plans. I am easily overwhelmed at times when I think about all that goes into educating my kids at home. Especially now that I will be doing more with all three of them. My first year (2 years ago) I tried making my own planner. It was OK, but I was always adding things and taking things off. I spent more time working on that than actually using it to plan our school day. Then I came across this beauty...

Trapper Keeper style. That's how I roll.

The Well Planned Day...we shall see.

Love. You can take a closer look here. It has everything I need and enough space for all of the kids. Last year I did the pdf option and printed it off myself. I had it in an ugly black binder laying open on my desk and it was fine. I was going to do the same thing this year but when I saw the new design I couldn't resist. She's all mine and I love her.

I know it seems silly, but finding the right planner is so important for a homeschooling momma. Especially if you are freakishly type A. Of course I'm not. I'm just sayin' if you are then it's really important.

I'm excited to share what I've been up to so far this summer with our homeschool journey but that's not all! We're workin' on something around here that might surprise some peeps...I guess you'll have to wait and see...


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